Monday, September 16, 2013


Introducing Levi Jeffery Harris!  Hip Hip Hurray!  We are so happy he is here!  He was born yesterday September 15th!  He was 2.5 weeks early and thank heavens because he was 8# 5oz and 21.5 inches long!  He is my longest baby by far (but not my fattest!!)  It was a home birth and it was awesome.  His story to come.  Levi has my Dad's chin hence his middle name.  He is so cute and we are all in love.  He makes the cutest squeaks and squawks.  Even his cry is adorable.....for now.  Soren and Xander are the proudest big brothers you ever saw.  This morning Soren got up and joined us in bed to snuggle Levi.  He was holding him and talking to Levi saying, "You are perfect Levi, from your head to your toes."  Yesterday was so joyous.  Feeling super lucky and loved over here.

1 comment:

Natalie Smith said...

He is beautiful Quinea. Soren is too sweet. Enjoy that sweet baby boy!