Friday, September 2, 2011

Apples for sale

The other day I was working out in the shop and the boys were running around outside. I noticed they started dragging our camping chairs around and this is what I found.

The fact they were so close to the road startled me but what was really worrysome was the question, why are they sitting down? Something must be going on. This was prime run around time. I investigated further and found them each with a bag of cut up apples from our tree out back in a bag.

Q "What are you guys doing?"
S "We are selling apples."

I thought this was funny and cute and thought it might entertain them for at least 20 minutes, so I encouraged them.

Q "You need a sign Soren. Go draw a picture of an a apple and write the word sale."
Quick to do a craft Soren ran off to accomplish the task. Ah - entertainment for 5 more minutes. This is great! I didn't think anyone would actually stop by, otherwise I would have coached them more and helped with the sign a bit. So about 10 minutes later I was surprised when I heard talking on the drive way. I went out to see what was going on. An older German woman with a great accent was haggling with the boys.
This kind woman said, "You have budding entrpenueres on your hands. I had to bargen down from 2$ an apple slice to 50 cents an apple slice."
I sheepishly laughed and then praised her on her generosity. Once she drove away I quickly wrote an appropriate price on the sign. 5 cents a slice or 25 cents an apple. The boys were so thrilled by their business deal they ran off picking a whole bowl full of apples.

Their next and final customer was a friend dropping off some things of mine. she bought 4 apples for a whole dollar. A whole bill! Soren was in Heaven. He carried the dollar around with him for days.

This is definitely Ryan's side of the family coming through. Apparently Ryan was know around the neighborhood to sell dirt.

1 comment:

Natalie Smith said...

excellent. they are little sales men...they will make you the big bucks!