Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Welcome to my life

Today Xander requested to make some cookies. "Sure" I said, innocently not knowing what would then unfold. I was in the mood for some snicker doodles but didn't have a recipe. Not really problem these days with the internet so handy. So I put my laptop on the kitchen island near where we are going to bake and pull up the recipe. By this time Xander has assumed his usual position, sitting on the counter - a painful battle I am not sure I care enough about. I turn my back to gather some ingredient and I hear a water splattering sound. I turn around and I kid you not, Xander is still sitting on the KITCHEN island has not pulled down his pants or underwear but instead has whipped his little doohicky out around his underwear and short leg hole and is aiming his pee all over the place!! On the kitchen counter, on the floor and on our LAPTOP!!! I squeal in horror and tare the laptop away. Then I stood there in a quandary of emotions and thoughts. What do I do?! This was no accident. It wasn't that he just accidentally peed his pants in the wrong spot. He was full on aiming and having a good old time. So I rinse him off with some quality cold water (I am ashamed to say that was for me), put a diaper on him and put him in his room with a lock on his door. I wanted to leave him there the rest of the night (it was 7pm) but knowing that probably wasn't the best but not having my brain working very well due to the horror that still plagued me as I looked at urine all over our kitchen and only computer - I called my sister. "Janea tell me what to do!" I begged. After the shock and the laughter subsided she gave me some great advice and we devised a plan. I felt empowered and ready to deal with Xander.

Here was the plan: Still make the cookies with Soren but Xander cannot help. Then when they are done, while Soren and I ate the cookies, Xander had to "practice" going potty as many times as it took for him not to want to do it again plus one more. Then he could have one cookie - he is only 2 after all. Not being able to help and us eating cookies while he had to practice going potty should be pretty upsetting right? That is what I thought. Nope! His flexibility and happy go lucky demeanor shines through again. You know his flexibility is king of interesting because at times he can be VERY controlling and demand things just so or fall apart and cry for an hour. However, when he is in trouble and knows he can't win he becomes Mr. easy going. I suppose that shouldn't be that terrible, but seriously, is it too much to ask for a punishment to actually be painful for him?

During the whole time we were making the cookies he was constantly asking, "Can I stir that? Can I dump that? Can I taste that?" Which the answer was of course always, "nope". Then he would clarify and say, "Oh, because I peed on the computer and table?" No fight, no sadness, no tears - just talk. And when he was practicing the potty runs, he loved it. He got one on one time with Mom, got to run around and pulled up and down his pants 17 times. What isn't there to love for him. I was very straight faced the hole time - not mad but not happy either, but you would have thought I was tickling him every other minute by the way he acted. If he didn't pee on the computer I might have laughed and thought he was cute. Luckily the computer is fine and after a whole box of disinfectants wipes so is the kitchen.

My question is, - Is this normal or are my children as abnormal as I feel they are?


lilibet said...

It's probably normal for a few kids, like my brother, who dumped all of our milk all over the floor on purpose. (Shag carpet + milk = gross) I don't think the reaction to the punishment is terribly normal. I wonder what on earth you could do? Is solitary confinement may be painful to him? Something to disable his talking ability?

Natalie Smith said...

Quinea - I hope to only read about these scenarious and never have to live through them! Good job on keeping your cool. Goodness...BOYS!

PS - This doesn't sound normal to me but I came from a family of girls and we never did these sort of thing ;)

Dawn said...

It sounds perfectly normal to me, but, well... you've met my kids; )

Lani said...

Hi Quinae! My mom forwarded your blog address to me- Wow! That was entertaining. I don't know if they're normal or not, but I don't think my kids are normal either. (I think they're fine not being normal.) Andrew can be very 'flexible' when it comes to punishment too- so frustrating! You're welcome to check out my blog too: Although, we don't have any celestial animals, and the worst Andrew's done with the potty stuff is playing 'Light-sabre Duel' at the toilet with his friends (so far).

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad I have a daughter! You are definitely a more patient mom than I am.