Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feeding the Homeless

We have been trying to make it a family tradition to feed the homeless on Christmas Eve morning.  We have done it 3 or 4 times so far (although not consecutively) and enjoy it every time. It is such a neat and strange experience to bring hot foods and table and just set up at a park in Seattle and soon homeless people start pouring in.  There are many many families who do this and so the homeless can be quite picky.  So much food and goods to choose from, but they are always have been gracious and kind.  

 Here is Soren making some hot cocoa for a gentleman.  This was the first time my kids were old enough to start doing the serving. It was lots of fun to see that.  Soren took his job very seriously and did good work.   Some people looked like classic homeless people, but others looked like they just came from a place with a hot shower and a laundry facility.  We were able to chat it up with some which is always the highlight of the experience.

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