Friday, April 27, 2012

Take That Satan!

For FHE (family night) a couple of weeks ago I did the plan of salvation which is basically the meaning of life using these visual aids

It went really well and was interesting how much they asked questions and how much they seem to understand.  Well, a couple of days ago Xander asked some follow up questions and somehow it came out that Satan is sad/mad when we do good things and happy when we do bad things whereas Jesus is happy when we we do good things and sad when we do bad things.  Now, if you know Xander well, you know, there is something about how his brain ticks that makes him a perfect candidate for reverse psychology.  He cannot help himself but do the opposite.  Reminding him of things he should not do is a very bad idea.  Telling him to do bad things, is a sure way to get him to choose the right, share,  eat new foods, ect.  It is twisted, I know, but it is so effecting that we just can't help but do it all the time.  In fact, reverse psychology is so effective he has been known to cry while he shovels food he really doesn't like in his mouth and say, "stop playing this game.  I don't like it."  So although he knows he really doesn't want to eat the food, he has to because we told him not to.  It is so strange.  

Yesterday Xander got into a money making mood, which means he offers to clean the whole house and does it.  I was painting some doors in the garage and Xander kept running in and telling me all the chores he had done and all the money he was making.  Then one time he was telling me that he had helped clean Soren's room too and then added,

"What would Satan say about me cleaning Soren's room."
"Oh Satan would be mad.  He would be like, "No, don't clean his room.  Dang it.  You are being way too nice.  Arg!"  I said in my best theatrical voice.
"And what would Jesus say?"  he questioned.
"Oh, Jesus would be like, 'Yes!  This makes me so happy, what a wonderful boy he is!!'"
Xander giggled in delight and ran off.  5 minutes later he came back,

"I cleaned up the whole living room by myself.  Now what would Satan say?"
"No!  Noooo!  NOOOOOOOOO!"  I hollered in my best evil villain voice.

This time Xander adds a dance with his giggles and then runs off.  5 minute later he reports again about his good deeds he has done and we review mostly what Satan's response would be and sometimes Jesus response.  It was so cute, so fun and very effective.  I love having another tool to help Xander do good things.

Take that Satan!


Natalie Smith said...

That is awesome. I need this belief in our house :)

Sheryl said...

Way to go Xander! You made Sis. Hartman smile too!

Kacey said...

Gotta love reverse psychology. Maybe I should start mentioning Satan more at my house.....:)

JoLynn said...

I love it! What a cutie!