Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentines - Boy Style

We made some homemade valentines this year. They turned out great and the boys had a good time making them. I thought they would like valentines in the shape of weapons and superheros. BoyT was I right. After we were done they got to play with the rest of the supplies and came up with their own love weapons.
Soren made a love gun
Xander made a love spiky bomb.
Getting some love from one of my valentines. Xander is definitely a lover. He hugs and kisses me many, many times a day. If I do something he likes, (ie: make a meal he likes, give him a gum ball, tell him we are going to the park ect.), he is suddenly over come by love and lunges to give me hugs and kisses wherever he is (and also usually uses a baby voice with made up words of joy to celebrate). I love it (the hugging and kissing part) and hope he never grows up.

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