Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have been working on some projects over the past few weeks. We may be obsessed with storage. Anyway, we found these series of 5 closets for FREE on Craigslist. I had to disassemble them, move them to my house, and reassemble them. They didn't have any shelves oe top to the closets so I had to build those too. After doing that I trimmed the whole thing out to make it look more built in and have it go all the way to the ceiling. One day, one far distant day, I would like to build new doors because this is not my favorite look and I am not for glass let alone see through. The whole reason why I wanted cabinets in the first place is to hide my stuff. However, it is hard to complain about free.
This is a dress up organizer for the boys I built. It is nice that their dress up clothes that are used daily have a "place". Now I just need to teach them how to hang up clothes........
This is a kids craft table and chairs I built for the boys. The plans for this and the dress up organizer come from this awesome website anawhite.com. This woman designs simple things with easy instructions usually knock offs from pottery barn. She is very inspirational and people who have never built anything are motivated and successful in building her plans. I think she is amazing. I love this website and want to build a bunch more things on her site. I have the cutes fabric I plan on covering the bins with so that their table can be adorable instead of only utilitarian.......I wonder when I will actually do it. Once the function of the project is completed I slow way down in finishing things. (Dang you Thompson trait!) The boys (especially Soren) LOVE this table and use it everyday. Ah, success!

Stackable chairs. You can't tell me that is not cool. These chairs cost me about 4$ each. The table I think was about $40. To build these things only takes a few hours. To finish them takes FOREVER. I often dream of Ryan doing some of the finish work on these projects like my Mom would do for my Dad. Although that has not happened he does sometimes clean up after me - a perk which I love.........unless it is while I am building.
These are the most designer shelves I have ever seen. Most the stuff I make does not come out this cute, so I am very pleased with these guys. This is in my laundry room. I now have black baskets on top full of cleaning stuff. The stuff I use often is on the lower little shelf and my favorite feature about these shelves is the rod at the bottom. We go through about 15 towels a day. Half from the boys cleaning up their endless spills, the other half from them being "creative". Anyway, I hang them here to dry so they don't sour and I don't have to do the laundry daily. It has been wonderful for us.
I have 4 major projects either in the works or all the materials collected and just waiting to be manipulated into something better. That doesn't include the fabric I have for the drapes and valances for 5 of my windows that I have had for several months. I often feel confused about which project I should be working on and what is more important because depending on what room I am in, dictates what feels most important. If only I had insomnia, the things I could do.......


Natalie Smith said...

All of those turned out so great! Your house is going to be even more awesome as your projects are all pieced together. Everything is going to be so custom and cute! Way to go DYI Girly!

Kacey said...

Everything looks so great, Quinae!
I love the shelf in your laundry room. :)

Sheryl said...

Love the chairs and everything. When the boys grow up they are going to want these for thier kids.

Jennifer said...

You are pretty much AMAZING!

Robin said...

Hey you! Your projects turned out so well!! I just found the website for all those awesome creations. I can't wait to get started. That dress up center is on my list too!