Sunday, December 12, 2010

May I have this dance?

I don't know if I have already told you, but Soren has a thing for the ladies. He just likes them. Every day he is debating which one he should mary. It is pretty funny and a little concerning. Anyway, last night at our church Christmas party we had this great Christ centered program with lots of musical numbers. Most the kids started out sitting on the floor in the front watching, but by then end most of them are on the edges of the gym or running circles around the building. Too many brownies I suppose. Well, I was standing on the edges trying to keep the reverence and not start a full on revolt when Soren came up to me and verbatim said,

"Mom, how do you ask a lady to dance?"

Too curious to derail his plan and encourage him to watch the program I simply replied, "You say, May I have this dance?"

He then excitedly said, "Great! Thanks!" and dashed off.

Hmmmm, this boy is on a mission that I must watch. One of his favorite lady friends is his 5 year old neighbor named McKenzie. She is adorable and adventurous and I don't blame him. He dashed off to where she was twirling around to the music.

Soren then said, "McKenzie, may I have this dance?"

McKenzie just kept on twirling.

"I said may I have this dance."

She starts twirling farther away from him.

Not willing to accept defeat he runs after her proclaiming, "Dance with me! Dance with me!"

By this time it is not only quite evident he needed some additional pointers but he was also quite loud and beginning to disturb the program. I get McKenzies attention and ask if she wants me to show them how to dance together. She happily obliges which I was relieved and not sure she was going to do. I put them in ballroom dance position and tell them to twirl. It was soo cute and I was lucky enough to have my camera on me.

Here Soren is running after McKenzie asking her to dance while she is twirling.

Look at how happy he is. They were both giggling and really loving it.

Soooo cute


Natalie Smith said...

Oh my gosh. I am so glad you had your camera. That is the best story.

lilibet said...

That is a story for the ages. So darling.

Sheryl said...

On the other side of the gym, Everyone was watching! So Cute!!

kristy said...

i am so happy that i got to witness that. seriously one of the cutest things i have ever seen.

Cailean said...