Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bunny Lovin

For Christmas I got a bunny. She is a holland lop and is adorable. She is an indoor bunny and she is suppose to run around being happy and good. However I seem to be terrible at potty training her so she is sadly limited. My boys adore her though........poor bunny. We got her as a baby in hopes that she would think it was normal to be malled by children. She is a good bunny but does bite occasionally and can poop everywhere at times when she is out. Yesterday as I was at work, I called to check in at home and Ryan declared, "I want to kill the bunny! She is very bad." If Ryan didn't have a history of killing my pets I might have given a chuckle to such an extreme comment. Apparently she bit Soren quite hard, but in her defense, Soren, no matter how frequently I tell him to stop because bunnies does like that, he tries to bouncer her up and down like a fussy baby. I think it is a good thing that the boys get feedback about what the bunny will tolerate. Unfortunately Xander heard how Ryan felt. Today Xander was telling the neighbor, "My Dad wants to kill the bunny. I like killing bunnies too." Awesome. I am a little worried for the next time I go to work.

They really do love her. Surely she won't die right?

See, isn't she cute. How could anyone want to kill her?


B.E.A.T.L.E. said...

I didn't even know there was a kind of bunny you could potty train! That's awesome. I've always wanted a bunny. If her life is looking like it's in danger, she can hide out at my house.

Natalie Smith said...

She is adorable. How fun!