Tuesday, March 15, 2011

RIP Chickens

Wow. This has been a bad farming week. Why is everything dying? 5 of my 6 chickens are dead or gone. Something big like dogs or a coyote came over and had a good old time. There were puffs of feathers all over my yard and one dead chicken. The others are either dead or scared so bad they ran and can't find their way home. I only have one very sad, nervous, PTSD chicken left. I am a officially a farming failure. I didn't really even have a farm and now almost everyone is dead. I am in mourning. Okay mourning may be a bit too strong. But I am bummed. Totally bummed!


Lizzie Ann said...

Wow, that's so sad. Maybe you should get another llama?

lilibet said...

I can't believe it! I just saw them a week ago! Although, I was more sad to hear about the bees.

Kacey said...

Oh my! You have had a rough farming week. I can't believe your chickens are gone!

Ruth said...

I think you should get another llama too. :) So sad.

Natalie Smith said...

Sorry for all of your losses Quinea. Cheer up! :) You have had many success stories.

Stephanie said...

We are laughing hysterically! I hope that's not too insensitive. I'm pretty sure you are nowhere near a failure at anything, least of all farming.