Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Morning

I woke up to Xander crying today. I actually had heard little foot steps racing around the house for the last 45 min in what I judged in my sleeping stupor a "non destructive way" so I stayed in my bed, after all it was 6am. I then fully woke up to Xander crying. Upon further exploration I found both boys in the bathroom. Xander's pants are down and he is crying while Soren is trying to explain something to him, but once Soren saw me he burst into tears too. What in the world is going on in there one might wonder? The possibilities are endless when they are my boys but in this case I was able to decipher between the two sobbing children that Xander had gone poop and Soren flushed the toilet but Xander wanted to flush the toilet. I then declared a new family rule. "He who goes potty, flushes the toilet!" Does anyone else have to make such rules? Well, it didn't go well. Soren started to cry harder. It was just sooooo unfair! I cleaned up Xander and weirdly enough Soren looses it even more then before. He quickly protests, "but Mom, I wanted to clean Xander's bum!" ?!?!? This is when I am beginning to think we all need to go back to sleep as reason has just exited the building, or more accurately never was there in the first place.


Kacey said...

Thanks for a chuckle this morning. We have also had tears over toilet flushing at our house- I'm liking your new family rule. However, we have never had tears over wiping bums- I am suspecting a future career in home health care for Soren?

Natalie Smith said...

The mornings are always so dramatic at our house too. Funny little boys!

lilibet said...

LOL. He's welcome to wipe Abby's bottom. We had a DOOZY today. Kacey can attest to that. :/