Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Levi's Seabiscuit Story

 By Levi Harris 9yrs.

Seabiscuit aka SB has 96 kids this is why she is in the history books not

Cuz she is fast but SB doesn’t hold the record no more why ill tell you.  

SB has 96 kids but she was starving and she ate one. 2 days later SB 

was telling a story and she sat on 1 or 2 or 7 kids!........SB weighs 1187 LBS.

93 kids left.  Some kids were running laps. One kid fell and then one kid tripped over him and landed Head first and broke his neck. Then there were 92 kids.  A small bus hit a kid.  No one was looking. A few mins later SB new about it then SB counted her kids. 91!!! SB said. Then she remembered, "oooooooooooooh ok I'll keep track of my kids next time" SB said to her self. One week later SB was racing and eleven kids broke out the Stands and nine got stepped on and Two did not get it. It was a close call. 82 kids left. and by then she didn’t hold the record.      

                                        To be continued.

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