Happy Birthday to Levi!! Levi has been starting to walk for the last week and getting better and better everyday. He loves to give a guttural yell - not scream - when he is wants something, expressing his thoughts, making his presents known, or wants his brothers to stop. We are aggressively trying to teach hime some sign to decrease the decibels around here with minimal success. He actually can sign all done and more, but prefers to yell.
Levi is a dare devil. He loves to climb and is efficient at climbing up AND down bunk bed ladders without help. He enjoys a good steep slide and tries to climb up and down them. He loves to climb up my pregnant body try to diver down my back. He enjoys a good fling in the air or fling backwards. He loves water and has never cried during a bath and when at the lake would crawl to his death is unsupervised. Levi loves to go outside and enjoys exploring our large backyard. He has no need to stay near Mom and will explore as far as he can. He is pretty good about giving me whatever is in his mouth and follows directions fairly well as long as it doesn't inhibit his physical freedom. Levi loves his brothers and want to be in on anything they are doing.
We love Levi are so happy is is part of our family.